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Prof. Ir. Moh. Khairudin, MT., PhD., IPU.

Prof. Ir. Moh. Khairudin, MT., PhD., IPU.
- Sistem Mikroprosesor-S1
- Sistem Hidrolika-S1
- Sistem Kendali Cerdas-S1
- Human-Machine Interface-S2
- Teknik Optimasi-S2
- Teknik Digital-S1
- Sistem Kendali-S1
- Penginderaan Visual Robotika-S2
- Computer Based Assesment-S3
Tahun 2020
Design of an efficient trajectory control of an autonomous teacher Robot
(Sumber Pendanaan: Penelitian Dasar (tahun 2) Simlitabmas)
Tahun 2021
- Design of an efficient trajectory control of an autonomous teacher Robot
(Sumber Pendanaan: Penelitian Dasar (tahun 3) Simlitabmas)
Tahun 2022
Integrasi Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Dalam Pertanian Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Dan Kuantitas Hasil Panen
(Sumber Pendanaan: Simlitabmas) -
Pengembangan pertanian cerdas berbasis smart teknologi sebagai upaya wujudkan pertanian tahan iklim dan peningkatan hasil panen beras organic
(Sumber Pendanaan: LPDP)
Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal
- Tahun 2020
- Vision-Based Mobile robot Navigation for Suspected Object Monitoring in Unknown Environments
( - The Mobile Robot Control in Obstacle avoidance using the fuzzy logic controller
DOI: - Virtual Trainer for Mobile Augmented Reality Based Electrical Lighting Installation
DOI: - The future of leadership framework in Malaysia education systems
DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I3/PR200818 - The quality assessment of teaching delivery based on the national occupational skills standard at Mara high skills college
DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I9/PR290029 - Learning model higher order thinking skills at vocational high school: Achievement and thinking behavior
- Tahun 2021
- Vibration Control Using Pole Placement with Proportional Gain of a Flexible Manipulator Incorporating Payload
DOI: -
Modelling and State Variable Feedback Control with Proportional Action of A One-
Link Flexible Manipulator Incorporating Payload
DOI: -
Estimated use of electrical load using regression analysis and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
Artikel dalam Prosiding (Oral Presentation)
- Tahun 2021
- Seminar dan Workshop Guru Dirjen Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kemendikbudristek "Adaptasi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka dengan Metode Blended Learning" (1 Desember 2021, Brebes)
Annual Engineering and Vocational Education Conference FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret "The Binary Pattern and Cascade Classifier Methods for a Face Recognition" (Solo, Saturday , 16 October 2021)
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education "Analysis of the need for the development of learning media for IOT-Based smart building installation systems" (Yogya, 5 Oktober 2021)
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