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Graduate School UNY
Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (GS UNY) is a publicly funded institution within Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. GS UNY dedicated to the advancement of teaching and learning for teachers and educationadministrators. This school offers both master's and doctoral programs in 5 study areas consist of 3 for doctoral programs dan 2 for master programs. GS UNY nurture teachers and educationadministrators to experience up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills, to run into a good character and globally aware educators, to become agents of change in the community they serve, and to contribute to the natonal as well as internaaonal problem solving through research and innovation.
In 2019, there are approximately 2580 students pursuing higher degrees at GS UNY coming from many regions in Indonesia and other countries. Indonesian students come from all provinces in Indonesia, mostly from Java Island while internationalstudents are from countries such as Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Ethipia, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, India, Kenya, Lao PDR, Madagaskar, Mali, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Thailand, Timor Leste, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Philipines and VietnamBesides coming from various areas in Indonesia and other countries, students of GS UNY also have various professional backgrounds. Most of them work as teachers/faculty members at university or other professions that are related to educationand research

Teaching and Learning
The durationof master degree is designed for period or 4 semesters with a study load of 40-50 credits including lectures, field visit, thesis writing final exam, and publication writing. Master students are expected to complete their studies at the latest within 8 semesters. The doctoral degree is designed for 6 semesters with astudy load of 50-60 credits and maximum of 14 semesters. GS UNY implements a semester credit system (SKS) where one (1) credit hour is equivalent to 50 minutes and consists of 1 credit hour atending face-to-face lecture, 1 credit hour completingstructured task, and 1 credit hour doing standalone task. Teaching and learning applies various methods such as face-to-face lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicums,workshops, ?eld trips, researches for thesis and disserttationand publication writing.
Student Admissions
Eligibilty for prospective students:
- Holding a bachelor degree for master's program or holding a master degree for doctoral program
- Having a CBT TOEFL 243, IBT TOEFL 96, or IETS 6.5 or equivalent
- Must be in a good health proved by an official medical staement from authorized medical practitioner
- Library, e-library, Laboratorium, Multimedia Room, Others.
Most graduates of GS UNY work as teachers, faculties, instructors, offcials in education departments, headmasters, and librarians. In addition to the feld of educcation many opportunity in other areas of work that can be accessed by graduates of GS UNY to make themselves.
Contact Us
Address: Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Telp. +62274-550836 (front office) Fax. +62274-520326, Email:, Website :
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62274-550836 (front office)
Fax. +62274-520326 Email:,
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