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Brief History of the UNY Postgraduate Program
As the embryo of the Postgraduate Program (PPs) of Yogyakarta State University (YSU) , PPs IKIP Yogyakarta was initiated in 1981. At that time, the PPs program was a Credit Collection Activity (KPK) affiliated with the Postgraduate Program of IKIP Jakarta. Due to its mother nature still being on PPs IKIP Jakarta, academic affairs depend on PPs IKIP Jakarta policies, while IKIP Yogyakarta only prepares lecture buildings and a few teaching staff. Currently, the lecture building is located in front of the P3AI building, used for lectures in management and accounting study programs. The only study program being developed at that time was the Educational Research and Evaluation (PEP) Master Program. In 1983 the PPs program began to open the Technology and Vocational Education (PTK) Master Program, with teaching staff from IKIP Jakarta, IKIP Yogyakarta, and UGM.
The IKIP Yogyakarta Postgraduate Program begins to receive approval as an independent institution on June 16, 1993 through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (Dikti), Department of Education and Culture (Depdikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia No: 432/DIKTI/Kep/1993 by holding 2 study programs, including Educational Research and Evaluation (PEP) and Technology and Vocational Education (PTK) Master Program. At the same time, the academic administration center was moved to the PPs program building (in front of PPs new building) and IKIP Yogyakarta automatically had full authority to take care of the PPs administration and academic. In 1995, PPs IKIP opened the Education Management Study Program which was specifically opened for KNB students based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (Dikti), Department of Education and Culture (Depdikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia No: 378/DIKTI/Kep/1995 and start in 2000, PPs IKIP accepted general students. PPs IKIP Yogyakarta again succeeded in adding 2 new study programs, including the Non-formal Education Master Program and Social Science Education Master Program in 1996.
Along with the expansion of the mandate from IKIP to become a university in 1999, in 2000 PPs IKIP Yogyakarta changed its name to PPs Yogyakarta State University. The changed name was followed by a changed in the PPs leadership organizational structure. Initially, it was led by a chairman and secretary, also the Head of Study Program and the Secretary of Study Program but starting in 2000 it was led by a Director and Assistant Director also include the Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program. Then, after the establishment of YSU as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) on October 20, 2022 as stated in Government Regulation Number 35 of 2022 concerning Higher Education Legal Entities at Yogyakarta State University, PPs YSU has now officially changed to SPs (Graduate School) YSU.
During his tenure, SPs were successively led by Prof. Moh. Amien, Ed. D. (Chairman of PPs IKIP Yogyakarta for 1981-1997), Sumarno, Ph.D., (Chairman of PPs IKIP Yogyakarta for 1997-2000), Prof. Djemari Mardapi, Ph.D. (Director of PPs YSU for 2000-2008); Prof. Soenarto, Ph.D. (Director of PPs YSU for 2008-2012); Drs. Wardan Suyanto, M.A., Ed.D. (Director of PPs YSU for 2012 - 2013); and Prof. Dr. Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, M.Ed. (Director of PPs YSU for 2013 - 2016); Dr. Moch. Bruri Triyono (Director of PPs YSU for 2016 - 2017); Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. (Director of PPs YSU for 2017 - 2020), Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Sc. (Director of PPs YSU for 2020 - 2021), Prof. Dr. Anik Ghufron, M.Pd. (Director of SPs YSU for 2021-present).
In a period of 5 years (2001 – 2006), PPs UNY opened 9 new study programs at both the Masters (Masters Program) and S3 (Doctoral Program) levels which included: Educational Research and Evaluation Doctoral Program, Applied Linguistics Master Program, Instructional Technology Master Program, Technology and Vocational Education Doctoral Program, Science Education Master Program, Mathematics Education Master Program, Sports Sciences Master Program, Primary Education Master Program and Language Education Science Doctoral Program.
Overall, in 2012 PPs UNY had 16 Study Programs, 5 at the Doctoral level and 11 at the Master level in various concentrations. In 2014, PPs UNY received a mandate from the Higher Education to organize 12 Study Programs. Then, the entire study program that is owned becomes 34 study programs which include 5 Doctoral Study Programs and 29 Master Study Programs. Currently, SPs UNY organizes 37 Study Programs which include 7 Doctoral Study Programs and 30 Master Study Programs.
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