As a progressive step in improving the quality of Vocational Technology Education study programs, the Graduate School of State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) reviewed the nomenclature of Vocational Technology Education study programs. This effort aimed to ensure that the study programs reflect the latest trends in the world of technology and to give a picture about the focus and objectives of education.

The review was done through consultations and discussions involving all vocational technology education study programs coordinators across Indonesia and stakeholders within UNY. The result of this is the update of the names of Vocational Technology Education study programs that fits more in accordance to the technological development and the achievement of more relevant competencies.

“Vocational Technology Education have to be relevant with the current industrial needs and technological advancements. The update of this nomenclature is the first step to ensure the relevance of UNY’s study programs and that they are still able to compete in national and international levels,” stated by Prof. Dr. Putu Sudira, MP, as the pioneer and source of this meeting.

The new nomenclature reflects some significant changes in the curriculum and focus of study programs. Some study programs even undergo changes that mirror the new and specific materials or focus. The review also covered the affirmation that the names of study programs provide clear representation and attract the interest of new students. The latest nomenclature is hoped to help improving the interest of vocational technology education study programs of UNY.

The update of vocational technology study programs not only shows the commitment to be adapt to the latest development, but is an effort to contribute in the making of graduates that are ready to compete in the ever-changing professional world.