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The Graduate School Publication Unit of YSU held a Management of Endnote and Mendeley Based Citations and References Workshop, which was attended by 136 people. The first resource person, Susana Widyastuti, S.S., M.A., Ph.D, provided material related to the use of Endnote. The second resource person is Choirul Amri, S.Pd., Gr., M.Pd. brought material related to Mendeley. The first day of activity on March 25, 2022 began with introduction and assistance to install softwares, which was used for practice on the second day of the workshop.
Next, the Management of Endnote and Mendeley Based Citations and References Workshop was done through Zoom meeting. The event began with an introduction from Prof. Erna Andriyanti, S.S., M. Hum., Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the YSU Graduate School. In her speech, Prof. Erna explained the purpose and hope of holding the workshop, which was to help YSU Graduate students of Masters and Doctoral in preparing publication of articles as a graduation requirement in terms of managing bibliography, references, and citations through the Endnote and Mendeley applications.
Subsequently, the event was opened by the Director of Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Anik Ghufron, M.Pd. On that occasion, the Director said, “As students or educators, we are no stranger to scientific papers. This event is a means for students to manage scientific papers or articles in terms of bibliography, references, and citations. My hope is that the workshop participants will take full advantage of this event.”
The event continued with material presentation by the first resource person, Susana Widyastuti, Ph.D., with advanced material regarding the use of Endnote. The presentation of the material was a follow-up to the previous Friday's activities. In addition to the material presentation, a demonstration of the use of the software was also done and ended with a question and answer session from the workshop participants. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, seen during the question and answer session in which many participants asked questions to the speaker. The presentation of the second material by speaker Choirul Amri, S.Pd. Gr., M.Pd. related to the use and demonstration of the utilization of Mendeley software. The participants' enthusiasm remained high in the second session of this event. There were still many participants asking through the Zoom chat box or directly.
The event closed with the introduction of the graduate publication website represented by Publication Unit staff Siwi Widiastuti, S.Pd. With the EnManagement of Endnote and Mendeley Based Citations and References Workshop, students are expected to have knowledge and skills in managing citations and references for articles to be published to assist them in the process of writing articles for graduation requirement. (sw/xena/ant)
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