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Advanced Studies to Support the Revitalization of Vocational Education
Vocational education revitalization is carried out to prepare a workforce that is competitive, skilled, of good quality, and relevant to the demands of the ever-evolving world of work. "Vocational education revitalization is projected to prepare an additional 58 million workers with 21st-century skills in the next 15 years," said Prof. Dr. Putu Sudira, MP before the Head of the Prov. Bangka Belitung and its ranks. Putu explained the Vocational Education and Vocational Training Revitalization material above, which in essence is the importance of improving Masters degree qualifications for teachers and staff of the Education Office as well as the vocational quality development assistance program and development of the Bangka Belitung region by PTK Study Program Lecturers.
In this case, the Head of the Provincial Education Office. Bangka Belitung supports and appreciates the Bangka Belitung Archipelago Classroom RPL Masters PTK Program and continues to hold meetings with Heads of SMKs and Teachers who are interested in continuing Masters Studies, especially the RPL Program.
The meeting held at SMKN 2 Pangkalpinang, was attended by the Head of the Vocational School Development Division and the Head of the Teacher and Training Division, Head of SMKN 2 Pangkalpinang. On this occasion, 40 participants attended offline and 7 people online. The Principal of each school then forwards information on the RPL program to the teachers. It explains the process of preparing portfolio documents to obtain credit recognition after being assessed by an assessor. The process for submitting study permit requirements to the BKD was explained by Mrs. Al Fisyah SE. As the head of the teacher and educator staff. (putu/ant)
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