The Postgraduate Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, Yogyakarta State University, on August 6-7, 2022, mapped the potential of tourism villages or urban villages in developing the creative economy in Segajih village, Hargotirto, Kulon Progo. This agenda is a follow-up form of the FGD with the Regent of Kulon Progo on January 24, 2022, for implementing the research and service scheme at the Kulon Progo Vocational Village Laboratory. The UNY Postgraduate team as follows Prof. Dr. Putu Sudira, MP, as Chairman with members of Prof. Pardjono, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Moch Bruri Triyono, M.Pd., Septiono Eko Bawono, MT, Widodo, M.Pd., Yoga Sahria, M.Pd., Nur Kholifah, M.Pd., and Tinesa Fara Prihandini, S.Pd. At the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) meeting attended by tourism village managers, homestay managers,
The two-day activities focused on: 1) identifying problems, potentials, and solutions for managing community empowerment and 2) exploring tourist attractions in Segajih village. The main problem in managing tourist villages lies in the mindset of human resources to continue optimising the service of attraction programs that have been entrenched. Others need to map information on community activities in the form of digital maps. Segajih tourism village reinforces the memories of returning home to Simbah (grandmother) with live-in education branding. Live-in in Segajih Village is the mainstay of the sustainable tourism concept in Segajih Village. Travellers don't just stop by but stay overnight and learn various things, from outbound, which is connected by mountain cruising to Pule Payung, along the river and various eco-educational attractions.
Segajih Village always invites the community to be optimistic. Cultural and educational tourism destinations will never die to hone creativity in gadget access and other technological disruptions such as games and social media. It's never too late to take care of nature, improve nature, spread the benefits and preserve it. Access vital information to visit Segajih Tourism Village. You can order a homestay through the marketplace and view information through social media through Traveloka, Agoda, etc.
Therefore, the presence of UNY Postgraduate strengthens the holistic starting from increasing public awareness, support system, community empowerment and sustainability in the creative economy. The built role focuses on strengthening the complete vocationalization to become a culture that can provide a livelihood for tourists' memories. (wid/far/ant)